





Photography LLC.

Amanda & Hollie :: Destination Wedding :: Watervale Inn, Arcadia,MI

In Arcadia, Michigan there is a special place named The Watervale Inn, where Amanda and her family have been vacationing since the late 70’s. From the moment we arrived in Traverse City we noticed the change in speed and attitude from the residents. It seemed as if everyone we encountered was happy to see us. It was a great feeling and we felt blessed to be there. We became friends with Amanda and Hollie through our once a year swing dance event in South Florida. Once a year for seven years, we looked forward to seeing and dancing with our old friends. It is amazing how you can make a lifetime connection with someone even if you only see them once a year. We were very honored when they asked us to be part of their wedding weekend celebration. Tracey-Ann and I had no idea it was going to be one of the most beautiful experiences of our lives. Amanda and Hollie planned the weekend with so much love and care that it was contagious. The peace and serenity of the lake seemed to have transferred to everyone present. Love, smiles and laughter was in the air. Everyone was grateful to be there and I think we all recognized that we were part of something special and we needed to enjoy it and live in the moment. We took slow walks to the lake, watched the sunset, and sat and talked with new friends. Tracey-Ann collected leaves and acorns, while the chipmunks and squirrels gave her dirty looks ;-)!

We suspected the wedding day was going to be emotional, when Amanda and Hollie cried during the rehearsal. We were correct, the vows were absolutely beautiful, our officiants were so eloquent and spoke so sincerely that it moved us all. As if that wasn’t enough, they planned for their friend to sing “The Water is Wide” and ask the guests to join her, which moved me to tears when Rachel choked up while singing and the crowed joined in. Everything is perfect when you do it with love. It is that simple. Amanda also had the brilliant idea of making name tags for everyone, which made us all feel connected. I knew everyone and everyone knew me. It was a beautiful thing. Then it was time for the reception, where Amanda and Hollie asked us to put down our cameras and boogie. They know we never shy away from a good dance party and we danced most of the night, while taking breaks to make photographs. We had some epic dance battles and this party was one for the ages. I am 100% sure, The Watervale Inn will never see a dance party like that one again.

We will never forget this wedding weekend as long as we live. This is something we will cherish and look back on and smile.

Thanks again for being wonderful human beings who value what really matters in this world; love, friendship and family. Let’s do this again in 10 years ;-)!!

To view the full gallery, please click here!

The place where peace and love reigned for the weekend. Where peace and love reigned for the weekend.




I have a new favorite flower. They just look like happiness.

I have a new favorite flower. They just look like happiness.














